Sunday, December 29, 2019

Dangers of Cell Phones Essay - 612 Words

Although cell phones appear to be harmless devices, they are proven to be detrimental and unsafe to prolonged users. Cell phone users need to be more aware of the potential consequences of improper usage. Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have elevated, especially after the enormous increase in the use of mobile phones. Furthermore, texting while driving is a risk that many individuals take, and could lead to serious, life-threatening consequences. Nevertheless, there are quite a few solutions that may help a cell phone user in preventing the potential consequences of prolonged cell phone use. Without a doubt, many individuals continue to text while driving, partly because the communications industry is somewhat responsible for†¦show more content†¦Until recently, the level of radiation from cell phones was considered safe. The good news is that there are a few simple solutions that help in lowering one’s risk of exposure to radiation. First of all, holding the phone away from the face and using the speaker phone instead leads to ten thousand times less exposure. In addition, using a wired headset gives less exposure into the ear. Secondly, since carrying the phone in one’s pocket leads to exposure to his or her bone marrow, one should simply keep the phone off. Lastly, the weaker the signal in the phone, the more the radio frequency signal has to enhance itself to get into the phone; thus, one should avoid using the phone if it appears to have a weak signal. Basically, one gets greater exposure to radiation with a weaker signal. Indeed, it is never too late to prevent oneself from such hazards. Texting while driving has developed into a growing danger amongst many drivers. Driving requires full attention at all times; moreover, texting impairs the drivers’ abilities, causing his or her reaction time to decrease dramatically. When his or her full attention is on the phone rather than on the road, the driver is unable to witness the traffic; therefore, causing a collision due to lack of focus. When both hands are on the phone texting, the driver easily loses control of the vehicle because of his or her inability to concentrate on the road. Improper driving is an unnecessary risk toShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Cell Phones1103 Words   |  5 PagesThe Dangers of Cell Phones Are cell phone dangerous? Are they a distraction? The answer to both those questions is Yes! Cell phones have advanced greatly since the turn of the century. With the advancement of cellular technology cell phones have become a staple in our every day lives. Have they become a dangerous distraction? Our kids are spending more time with the cell phones than their families and friends. Cell phones have been a major factor in 52% of car accidents from 2009 to 2011. With theRead MoreDangers Of Cell Phones1241 Words   |  5 Pagesconvenience. Even though cell phones can be used as navigators and for quick communication. They can still lead us to car crashes and death departures in families. In most cases, cell phones being the chief culprit. Cell phone use in the car can cause brain distractions, addiction towards drivers and deteriorate driving skills. Altogether these reasons show that cell phone usage should be banned while driving, in order to prevent death and unnecessary trauma. Firstly, cell phones should be banned becauseRead MoreDangers of Cell Phones Essay1136 Words   |  5 Pagestheir phones. Everyone shooting texts, updating social media and answering calls. Cell phones have truly changed the way how people connect to other people. Thirty years ago you would have to walk up to the cute guy at the bar, but with modern technology you can just shoot him a text instead. When many people think of the dangers of cell phones they think of all the accidents that they cause by distracted drivers. Many people don’t realize that not only distracted driving makes cell phones dangerousRead MoreThe Dangers of Cell Phone Use1095 Words   |  5 PagesEmily Schneider Mr. McBride CP English 11 10 January 2011 Cell Phones Negatively Impacting High School Life Two-forty p.m. is probably the most anticipated time of the day for students during the school year. As soon as the final bell rings, students immediately reach into their pockets, backpacks, or purses and pull out their cell phones. One day, while leaving school, I witnessed a student furiously texting as she walked down the hallway, unaware of the door opening towards her. The doorRead MoreCell Phone Dangers While Driving1046 Words   |  5 PagesCell-Phone Dangers While Driving Introduction Today, we use our cell phones for just about anything and everything to include; texting, talking to our loved ones, and connecting with the rest of the world via social media. Cell phones have become a natural way of life to where we pick up our phones and use them like second nature. However, the dangers present themselves when we get behind the wheel of a car and carry these habits of cell phone addictions with us. If all states ban the use of cellRead MoreEssay on The Dangers of Cell Phones in Society2678 Words   |  11 Pages In today’s society, having a cell phone is almost a necessity to the average person. With the increase of modern technology, cell phones have become a handheld personal computer, with the ability to navigate, communicate, and store massive amounts of information. Although these tools are very useful, the question of whether the tools of the cell phone are safe or not are constantly raised. I believe that cell phones are dangerous, because of threat posed to safety, academic integrity, and communicationRead MoreThe Dangers Of The Cell Phone While Driving2183 Words   |  9 Pagesdue to distracted driving, even more are injured. It’s a dangerous problem that is getting larger by the day. One type of distracted driving that is more prevalent is talking on the cell phone. Everyone is affected by this type of distracted driving because they are exposed to it every day. The use of the cell phone while driving has the ability to dramatically impact a person’s reaction time. It takes a person’s eyes off the road, which is something that should never happen. In turn, this couldRead MoreThe Benefits and Dangers of Cell Phones Essay763 Words   |  4 PagesCell Phone One of the greatest inventions created in the modern world is the cell phone or is it not? The cell phone has been rapidly growing for many years. A cell phone is necessary and important. Using a cell phone to communicate with family, business and in emergency is an excellent way of communicating, but on the other hand, cell phone is a distraction. With the invention of the cell phone there have been both good and bad results, where people will always be a source of communication duringRead More Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words   |  5 Pagesoften. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Blueto oth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch ofRead MoreEssay on The Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving604 Words   |  3 Pagesyears, people who driving under influence leading causes of road accidents in many countries. Many people have a cell phone and some even call their cell phone their life line. The cell phone is a provider of very important information such as addresses, phone numbers, and important dates. However, while the cell phone has many positive attributes like keeping people in touch, the cell phone becomes very dangerous when a person decides to drive and use it.This obliged many countries especially United

Friday, December 20, 2019

Turks Moors And Englishmen During The Age Of Discovery By...

Turks Moors and Englishmen during the age of discovery, by Nabil Matar, presents the complex interactions between Muslims and Englishmen. To examine these interactions, Nabil Matar uses a variety of resources such as memoirs of captives, Arabic Chronicles, North African history, and the writings of Englishmen whom were living in Morocco and Egypt. Majority of these resources depict the negative conceptions of Native Americans that were implied on the Turks and Moors by the Englishmen. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Englishmen were portraying the Native Americans as homosexuals, vile, and atrocious people. This negative perception made them believe that it was their moral duty to conquer and civilize these people. In order to conquer and rule over the Muslims in North Africa and Middle East, they adopted the same strategy. Matar is able to show the shifting attitude and attributes of the English in dehumanizing the once dominant Muslims of North Africa and Levant. Mat ar considers the importance of the English-Muslim-American triangle was in setting the platform for colonialism and racism through the writings and practices that were produced during the English Renaissance. Turks Moors and Englishmen during the age of discovery gives is an insightful narration on how Muslims were treated as they visited England during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods. The Muslims were not refugees that were looking for work opportunities, unlike the Jews, neither were they

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Outsourcing Vendors

Question: Discuss about the Outsourcing Vendors. Answer: Verkuil, P. (2007).Outsourcing sovereignty. New York: Cambridge University Press. Introduction Outsourcing of assets seems like an appealing proposition, which hand-over sophisticated Information Technology assets to the specialized organizations, and help them to achieve best results at very low cost. IT Outsourcing is defined deifferently by different scholars and researchers. Outsourcing vendors are commited to provide best physical services as well as Human Resource services connected with the particular segment of the Information Technology infrastructure in the organization. Whenever the third party sellers or vendors are liable for managing and controlling of organizations IT segments on behalf of the customers, this procedure is known as Outsourcing. Information Technology Outsourcing implies handing the management of IT systems as well as IT services of an organization by any third party vendor. Therefore outsourcing includes the exchange of different responsibilties regarding the actions of the organization, service supplier of the concurred services for the IT secto r of industry. This study includes the research about the topic Vendors and suppliers of outsourcing need no attention. Vendors need no Consideration! They our Co-Workers Vendors require no attention or consideration! They are our co-workers. I don't accept this statement, as vendors are likewise most important part of the organization as well as they are additionally working for an organization no matter whether it is for medium-sized project or for any large project.Vendors along with their co-workers require to cooperate with each other, need to work together as well as surely have a mutual understanding with each other. Organizations should comprehend the requirements and necessities of the vendors (Alexandrova, 2015) . Appropriate Relationship with the Vendors A better relationship can surely work between a client and an outsourcing vendor. Not every client wants to mate up with the vendors. So the factor is that if your vendors arent providing you assets or software which enhance the quality, diminish the defects as well as cut down the expenses doesnt necessarily imply that they are not good vendors (Aubert, 2002). So, in any case, one needs a more tightly working association with the outsourcing vendors for effective functioning let them clearly know about your needs. You might also drop an indication that the individuals who dont prefer to work on any project with you might see a few of their requests being occupied by the individuals who agree to work on such projects (Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit, 2011). Vendor Management Managing the outsourcing vendor's connections without any specialized software as well as without any staff expertise it is troublesome and might be expensive. Lack of vendors management make it difficult to provide tight working edges, managing administrative changes, dealing with various risk levels and concerns, paying attention to the lender, individual proprietor prerequisites, as well as guarding the leading business against all the undesirable factors (Beulen, Ribbers and Roos, 2006). It is assessed that the cost of any outsourcing vendor is $250 to manage the IT sector internally and it is difficult for the vendor to work on such low cost.Therefore, Vendor management is an essential factor for building a suitable connection between outsourcing vendorsnd clients. Whether you include a vendor by any mode for instance by RFP procedure or from any other procedure. You as well as the vendor need to build-up the agreeable way in which you and outsourcing vendors both can work effec tively with each other. In spite of the fact that you and outsourcing vendors can't regard each other as good as both of you have to done then there is a need to make a management rule for the vendors (Burnett, 2009). At last, your desires are also similar with the vendors desires, so you need to follow or go through all the procedures as the vendors do. This might include the specifications of requirements, hazard, implementation planning, as well as scheduling of the services. 1 There are numerous outsourcing vendors which are not fit for outsourcing. As they come in numerous difficult types and shapes (Chakravarty, 2014). There are a few high-level, and full-beneficial associations which are also exists for outsourcing. Settling on a brilliant decision among them requires strategizing to choose what kind of business you need to end-up and which merchant has the ability to help you to satisfy your objectives and enhance the corporate main concern. Outsourcing includes getting work from an outer firm which has restricted learning about the client's interior procedures and operations. Consequently, a client needs to pay attention on specific contemplations, besides from selecting the right merchant, to make outsourcing progress (Desai, 2009). Need to Concentrate on the Vendors Administration Your suppliers are basic to your achievement in the business sector and your benefits; they're at the heart of large portions of your association's procedures and exercises. In any case, you would not consider that the vendors are not vital to deal with your associations. Previously, it was essential for the IT division to purchase best products and administration. But, now, it is not considered as a piece of your general business system. To get the best esteem for your cash, you ought to take a key way to deal proficiently with your suppliers. Doing this you will have a bunch of gainful impacts (Duliskovich, 2005). Sadly, nowadays vendor administration doesn't broadly executed in the business world. You may not genuinely comprehend the focal points you'll get from supplier relationship administration. Vendor Management Benefits Relieve Risks: To viably minimize the suppliers dangers, difficult operations, unanticipated cost suggestions, or administrative consistency, you require expanded permeability of the vendors. Merchant administration can track your suppliers and give the information you have to recognize supplier hazards so you can find a way to alleviate them, or pick the best seller for the organization. You can without much of a stretch confirm supplier data, for example, capabilities and confirmations, track execution, and even investigate the supplier's financials to get a more extensive photo of their danger level keeping in mind the end goal to secure your association (Halvey and Melby, 2006). Upgrade Performance: When you have a supplier dynamic in your merchant administration framework, you can track and measure execution against the agreement to guarantee that the organization is addressing your needs and confirming your necessities. This will empower you to guarantee ideal execution. The information you get from following execution can flag challenges before they get to the issues and distinguish regions that may require upgrades. Diminish Costs: When you have expanded deceivability, you can see imperceptible costs that you can then better control to save money on expenses. Furthermore, having solid associations with your suppliers, because of successful methods and procedures on account of seller administration, can help you to arrange better rates and have entry to rebates and motivations that can build your overall revenue (Khan, 2012). Make very Loyal Relationships: Great merchants are difficult to find. In case you're working with fantastic suppliers, you ought to do all that you can to fortify your associations with them keeping in mind the end goal to assemble steadfastness. With powerful supplier administration, you can guarantee efficiencies that lead to smooth procedures, which can help you construct the devotion you have to keep your awesome suppliers as a feature of your store network for the long haul. Increment Administrative Efficiencies: Your merchant administration project can essentially drive regulatory efficiencies. As a focal center point for seller expert information and record keeping, this project can eliminate duplication of information, loss of agreements and other data, authoritative work expenses, and blunders. Having one focal spot for the majority of your seller information can help you deal with your associations with uplifted productivity, which your suppliers will appreciate. Increment On-boarding Speed: The time and assets it takes to installed new sellers can back off your efficiency and cost you cash. In any case, with supplier administration, it's a breeze to acquire all important merchant data, for example, bank points of interest, ability data, administrative information, and limit subtle elements and info it into the framework in a quick and blunder free path for endorsement (Kim, Chen and Aiken, 2005). The faster you can locally available your sellers, the snappier you can travel through the obtainment procedure and get your merchandise or administrations so you can put them to utilize. Ensure Brand: Your organization's image holds a great deal of quality. You would prefer not to stain it because of the activities of an amateurish or untrustworthy merchant. A supplier administration system can give you the data you need, for example, a supplier's social and ecological benchmarks, to decrease your danger of a genuine episode originating from a merchant's activities. Building Relationship as well as Guidelines for the Outsourcing Vendors Build associations with the key outsourcing vendors personnel. Although organization wants them to give complete respect to their internal protocols then there is a need that organization also do the same thing for them as well and respect outsourcing vendors in all aspects. You need to completely understand the specific role of vendors different players and give them priority accordingly. For instance, the technical member is a great individual to discuss every bit as well as bytes of the IT software and service (Multiple Objectives and Outsourcing Contracts in IT Outsourcing, 2015). Therefore there is no need to make him/her feel responsible for the different business issues you face.The salesperson assigned by the vendor is liable to handle such issues, but for delivery schedules of software and services you need to consult with your respective project manager assigned by the vendor. Going to the wrong individual with the wrong issue surely become a barrier to making an effective relationship between the Vendor and the client. If the outsourcing vendors team is different for you, it is suitable for you to inquire about each issue and which is handled by whom. Establish the best relationship with vendors and provide them with your feedback about any issue you faced with them (Verkuil, 2007). Benefits of Strong Relationship with Vendors Opportune Delivery of Quality Materials: For you to complete your quote as well as to give fantastic service to clients, you require the things to be done on time. What is great if you have a brilliant relationship with your vendors and they will surely prioritize you and deliver specific software and assets very quickly. Moreover, they will ensure that you get the best merchandise (Osei-Bryson and Ngwenyama, 2006). Smooth Sailing Production: It is difficult to begin the generation stage when you have all that you require. Furthermore, since you're guaranteed that the crude material is of very high caliber, the danger that you require to stop generation or reject completed items, both of which result in lost income, is extraordinarily brought down. You'll surely meet your objective without trouble and will appreciate simpler restarts after office movement and other real changes to the organization (Santos and Silva, 2012). Customer Satisfaction: Another essential result is consumer loyalty. Since you can convey merchandise and administration on time as well as free from deformities, your clients will appreciate working with you. They will surely feel that their cash is surely well-spent. More Business from you: Consumer loyalty prompts more grounded marketing. By leaving the positive impact on clients, you're likewise telling them that you're a productive name on which they can depend on. This likewise gives them no motivation to work together. Since their content with your administration will completely stick around the additional outsourcing services. They can not bring something new for the clients. Saves your Company Money: Over the long haul, your business will have the capacity to spare cash. Surprising expenses happen when there are postpones or errors underway. That won't occur in the event that you have appropriate materials and convenient conveyance of merchandise (Schniederjans, Schniederjans, and Schniederjans, 2007). Conclusion This study concludes that in spite of the challenges the outsourcing is facing these days, the industry is growing at a rapid pace. Clients are expecting more and contenders are putting forth on an expanding scope of administrations over ventures. The immeasurable foundation require to convey the services progressively satisfying the organizations by fulfilling in-house IT requirements. But the long haul pattern towards the outsourcing shouldn't prompt organizations to grasp the methodology too promptly. In Information Technology, outsourcing conveys the procedure that includes more and more work and awakening to cut-down the expenses and immaculate the Information Technology integration. It is basic that outsourcing organizations setup the clear convention to both directions such as the necessities to the interior clients with the merchant and user and to administer the conveyance of the seller's item. References Alexandrova, M. (2015). Risk Factors in IT Outsourcing Partnerships: Vendors' Perspective.Global Business Review, 16(5), pp.747-759. Aubert, B. (2002).Characteristics of IT outsourcing contracts. 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